Seeing as this is the last day of 365 project, I thought we'd try to do something exciting....instead we ran last minute errands, got oil changed and tires rotated, did laundry, packed, and relaxed.
Reason number 238493493918 why I love Peter Perozzi.....
.....He went out late and bought me tampons.
I've definitely learned a LOT from the start of project 365. I think I understand photography just a little tiny bit better, I am healthier, I am marrying my best friend, and I can't believe it all happened so fast.
I am so blessed, and can't wait to see what the next year brings.
More specifically something that happens in 192 days, and then the cruise that happens in 211 days~!~
I've definitely learned a LOT from the start of project 365. I think I understand photography just a little tiny bit better, I am healthier, I am marrying my best friend, and I can't believe it all happened so fast.
I am so blessed, and can't wait to see what the next year brings.
More specifically something that happens in 192 days, and then the cruise that happens in 211 days~!~
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