Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 332: No we don't want a ride

Sean and I woke up super early and started our walk with three suitcases down the streets of downtown Philadelphia towards the train station. We were approached by several legit taxi's and even one unmarked van...needless to say, "No we do not want a ride to the airport."
We made it to the train station, but the train in front of us had mechanical difficulties, so our train was delayed. No big deal, we still made it to the airport on time.
Sean and I were convinced that his checked luggage was going to be 15 lbs over the 50 lb allowance. Last night we concluded that the bag was too heavy, then this morning Sean proceeded to put more in it.....we were very worried about overage charges, and I was prepared to shove stuff in my purse. He put the gargantuan clothes container on the scale wen we held our breath. It went as high as 70 lbs, but then began to level hit 50.1 lbs, and then after a few seconds of thinking, it dropped to 50.0 lbs. WHEW! Sean leans to me and says "Good thing I didn't put my iPod in there too." LOL
After complying to all of TSA's rules and regulations, I was lucky enough to be picked for the random bag search. The TSA agent then proceeded to open and empty my entire suitcase, which was packed in a very specific order and had to be sat on in order to close.....yay. What was she after????? A Christmas ornament! A freaking Christmas ornament. That's what she thought was a bomb. She then decided that she had to tear it open in order to inspect it. Did I mention that this was a Christmas GIFT! At this point I was a little passed peeved and decided to give her a piece of my mind on how she needed to stop manhandling my stuff.
She then got the bright idea to put it through the x-ray machine...DUH! That's what they're there for. After she reluctantly gave me back my Christmas gift what was now torn and dug out the bottom of my precisely packed suitcase. She started to hap-hazardly throw things back in my suitcase and scolded me for trying to help her.
I was pissed at this point.
Give me my luggage, let me pack it, and stop destroying my presents!
After tetris packing and sitting on my suitcase, we were off to our gate.
The flight was only a few minutes late, and we even got our carry-on luggage checked for free.
We made it home, designated everyone's Secret Stocking Santa, and began shopping.


Ansley said...

what an adventure! lol!