Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 345: 30, 29, 28......3, 2, 1!

New Years Eve!
The finished product.Rollin Pizza PiƱa, and being creative with the extra dough.I made apple dumplings.
"I touched the butt" Do you see Nemo?
Peter taught Sean and the little girls drinking games.....Don't worry, the girls had water, we did not.
Later we consumed a lot Jell-O.....Special Jell-O.
We counted down from 30 when the ball started to drop in Times Square.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 344: Fun

Sean and I were creative and made Jell-O shots.
Raspberry flavor with banana rum, and raspberry or caramel alcohol whip cream.
We made kid friendly Jell-O for the girls too.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 343: Ovo!

Cirque Du Soleil: Ovo!
Peter's parents got all of us tickets to go see the Cirque show that is in Atlantic Station right now. It was INCREDIBLE. I am always amazed by all of the talent these people have, and how much hard work and dedication they have to their craft.
I can't pick just one favorite part because the whole thing is just jaw dropping. The finale was definitely one of the coolest parts. It featured lots of people dressed as crickets that were jumping from a wall that was easily 2 1/2 stories tall down onto trampolines and then back up again. Not to mention they would be climbing up the giant wall like rock climbers, and doing all kinds of flips, contortions, and other tricks along the way.
It was such a treat to go and enjoy the wonderful performance.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 342: Decisions

Today Peter and I finally came to an agreement on wedding bands....and we bought them!! We have been so productive with wedding stuff lately. We even went shopping all day, and he was such a trooper. I love going out with him!
Angel is so cute.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 341: Emmita

I got to see Emma today!!!
And finally meet the real Daniel, not the internet/skype one.
Peter tagged along too.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 340: After Christmas, Christmas!

Oh after Christmas Sales....How I love thee.
I got three long sleeve shirts for $19 at the Gap, a sweater for $20 at Banana Republic, and 2 large yankee candles for the price of 1!
Ok, NOW I went home and played Epic Mickey ALLLLLL day.
This game is AMAZING!
No picture today, sorry, I was too busy finding deals and saving the lives of Disney characters.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 339: I Know Him!!!

I love Christmas Morning. We still do Santa at our house, and the girls love it. We did something different this year. Instead of "Santa" filling our stockings, we each drew a name and filled that person's stocking. I had Sean, and his stocking was stuffed. I might have gone over the allotted budget for the stocking, BUT that's besides the point.The monkey bread "sticky buns" exploded when they rose over night.
Homemade lasagna!
After opening some amazing presents, Peter came over and he opened his presents. Then he and I went to his house and opened even more presents!!! I am so blessed with both of my families.
I showed great restraint and did not go play "Epic Mickey" when I opened it.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 338: Christmas Eve

Fun day of baking, cookie making, 7 fishes cooking. I also made chocolate covered pretzels and chocolate covered pecans. Yum!Sean got his 7 fishes, he's such a good sport.
After a yummy dinner, we all went over to Peter's house for the 25th Annual Christmas Concert on his front lawn. His mom sang beautifully, and we froze, but it was totally worth it.
Cookies for Santa, cheese for Santa Mouse!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 337: Christmas Adam

After some house cleaning, Peter and I made a delicious pizza from scratch, without a recipe.
we were creative!
It includes: Pesto sauce, mozzarella cheese, feta cheese, spinach leaves, tomatoes, and grilled chicken.
Peter was so excited waiting for it to cook.
It turned out delicious!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 336: Santa Sighting

Sean and I were on our way home from some shopping, and we saw... SANTA!!!
We were at a stop light and this truck pulled up beside us and an old fat man with a long white beard stared at us. I giggled, and said to Sean "Santa is watching us," and we sort of stopped thinking about it. Then the light turned green and the truck sped away. We then noticed some things....the truck was RED, there was a latter in the truck bed which Sean jokingly said "That's how he gets in the chimneys." After he got in front of us we definitely decided it was Santa, because his license plate said "N POLE"
Sean and I ate at a super cool restaurant today called "Which Wich" where you basically build your own sandwich and you write on the sandwich bag and then turn it in to the kitchen, and they call you by your name to pick it up. It was really confusing with all of the decisions at first, but after we got over that shock, it was really cool.
McKenna, Jolie, Sean, Peter, Dad and I all had a gingerbread house creating competition tonight. We didn't use any models, patterns, or blue prints.
Sean made a pyramid, Dad made an awesome house with great architecture, Peter made a train, and I was the most boring and made a square house....BUT I had a koi pond in the front yard.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 335: The Jelly Beans Lie!

Peter and I did a lot of last minute Christmas shopping today and came home completely wiped. After a successful nap, present wrapping, and pizza we all played wii together.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 334: Kani House

Tonight was Peter's dad's company's dinner at the Kani House.
I discovered the Mudslide drink combined two of my old loves and one new cream, chocolate, and baileys cream.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 333: Family Night

After babysitting for some adorable girls, I went and picked up Sean and we headed over to the Perozzi household for a big Italian dinner, family fun, Mythbusters, and some Wii.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 332: No we don't want a ride

Sean and I woke up super early and started our walk with three suitcases down the streets of downtown Philadelphia towards the train station. We were approached by several legit taxi's and even one unmarked van...needless to say, "No we do not want a ride to the airport."
We made it to the train station, but the train in front of us had mechanical difficulties, so our train was delayed. No big deal, we still made it to the airport on time.
Sean and I were convinced that his checked luggage was going to be 15 lbs over the 50 lb allowance. Last night we concluded that the bag was too heavy, then this morning Sean proceeded to put more in it.....we were very worried about overage charges, and I was prepared to shove stuff in my purse. He put the gargantuan clothes container on the scale wen we held our breath. It went as high as 70 lbs, but then began to level hit 50.1 lbs, and then after a few seconds of thinking, it dropped to 50.0 lbs. WHEW! Sean leans to me and says "Good thing I didn't put my iPod in there too." LOL
After complying to all of TSA's rules and regulations, I was lucky enough to be picked for the random bag search. The TSA agent then proceeded to open and empty my entire suitcase, which was packed in a very specific order and had to be sat on in order to close.....yay. What was she after????? A Christmas ornament! A freaking Christmas ornament. That's what she thought was a bomb. She then decided that she had to tear it open in order to inspect it. Did I mention that this was a Christmas GIFT! At this point I was a little passed peeved and decided to give her a piece of my mind on how she needed to stop manhandling my stuff.
She then got the bright idea to put it through the x-ray machine...DUH! That's what they're there for. After she reluctantly gave me back my Christmas gift what was now torn and dug out the bottom of my precisely packed suitcase. She started to hap-hazardly throw things back in my suitcase and scolded me for trying to help her.
I was pissed at this point.
Give me my luggage, let me pack it, and stop destroying my presents!
After tetris packing and sitting on my suitcase, we were off to our gate.
The flight was only a few minutes late, and we even got our carry-on luggage checked for free.
We made it home, designated everyone's Secret Stocking Santa, and began shopping.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 331: Peter's Home....

...and I'm still in PA. That stinks.
I miss him!!!

Welcome to the "City of Brotherly Love"
Today Nana,
PopPop and I drove over to Philadelphia to see Sean and drop me off with him. We really lucked out, because the parking garage that we parked in was literally across the street from Sean. We all saw his dorm room and then went out to dinner at Buca di Beppo's.
After my grandparents hit the road back to Bloomsburg, PA, Sean and I ran some last minute errands, and then toured the Downtown area.
I loved Christmas Village, and can't wait to come
back to do some sight seeing.
After we did some digesting from dinner we went to Max
Brenner's for dessert. This is an awesome gourmet chocolate shop. When you open the door, you're hit with an overwhelming yet delectable scent of coco. We shared a chocolate and caramel milkshake as well as milk chocolate, white chocolate, and toffee fondu. Oh my goodness, I wan to live in this giant chocolate paradise.
After a great night with my favorite brother we went back to his dorm/apartment and tried to get some sleep before our early morning flight out.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 330: Visiting

Visited my great grandmother, Roy, Chip, and Aunt Betsy today.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 329: Beer

We toured the Yuengling Brewery today in Pottsville, PA.
It had some great history, and the tour was really cool. We went down into the caves where the kegs were filled, and through the cooking rooms, and into the bottling factory.
Nothing was behind glass, so you could literally reach out and touch everything, even the bottles which were flying down the assembly line. After the tour, we got free tastings of all of the beers. Being that I'm not a beer drinker, like at ALL, I gave away my samples to my cousin Chip.
He was very grateful.
We ate dinner at the Matucchi's which is an authentic Italian restaurant. I over-stuffed myself with calamari, bread, salad, and manicotti.
We finished the night at home with a round of Dominos.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 328: SNOW

Ok, well there wasn't a lot of snow, but there definitely is enough on the ground to be considered snow. The ponds are all iced over, the Susquehanna River has ice around it's edges, and it's super dooper cold. We trimmed the Christmas tree, decorated the house a little more, and pigged out at the chinese buffet.
Played Dominos tonight...I was in the lead until the last round, then my score doubled, and I was in last place!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 327

No snow today, but I have high hopes for tomorrow. I went and saw my great grandmother today.
Salmon, garlic asparagus, crab stuffed mushrooms, and crescent rolls for dinner.
All topped off with Razzelberry Pie and Chocolate ice cream.
I watched Mamma Mia for the first time too. It was a cute movie/musical.
Of course night wouldn't be complete without the nightly game of Dominos.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 326: Long Drive

I made a snap decision to drive up with my grandparents to Pennsylvania for the week, and then fly back with my brother from Philadelphia on Saturday morning.
It was a super long drive, but we made a stop at an authentic German Restaurant for lunch, and it was delicious.
Then we continued on the long long long road to Bloomsburg, PA.
After a few pee stops, and a lot of naps, we made it to the hill.
The house is beautifully decorated for Christmas, but there wasn't any snow on the ground.
We played a round of dominos and then hit the bed.
Hopefully tomorrow it will snow.