Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 51: People watching is fun.

After my test this morning I finally made myself go to Wal-Mart to get my tire fixed. I ended up waiting for about 2 hours, so what else was I to do besides people watch. This cute old man danced when his phone started ringing. It made me giggle. The bad news was that the tire was not able to be patched, so I had to get a new one. Also, they told me it was going to be $65, then rang up at $120, and I was like "WHAT THE HECK!" Apparently she misheard what they said, and they put the most expensive tire on the car. I was not ok with that. So after getting them to fix it, the cheapest one they could find that would fit my car was $85. I somehow managed to talk the lady into $70 instead. So, lesson leaned, they do negotiate at the Wal-Mart in Milledgeville. Esp. if you smile real nice at the guys that are working on your car. Yes, I'm a horrible person.