Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 193: Best Friends!

I got to spend the day with Elise and her family doing some very important shopping.
More on this topic to come in the future, I promise.

After a very late night, I was half asleep and remembered that I needed to brush my teeth. I went into the bathroom quite unaware of my surroundings and fumbled for my toothbrush. Instead I found the empty toilet paper roll holder....When I grabbed this incorrect object, my arm inadvertently flung my unknowing toothbrush off of the counter in which it has been previously resting, and plunged down a huge cliff..
...It completed a full flip rotation and got a 10.0 on it's landing,,,there was very little splash....
....IN THE TOILET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just wanted to brush my teeth, and the only way of doing so was now half way into the U bend of the disgusting toilet.I hope you enjoyed the story my misfortune.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 192: "We're going to apologize to Raj, not kill Batman!"

Tiny little shopping carts.What is that little chicken doing in there?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 191: funfetti car wash

I finally used my free car wash.
I would like to take you all on a very exciting and magical journey.
The excitement is building as I line my tire up in between the yellow bars.
First impact! The scrubby brushes are furiously scrubbing my car for the first pass.This is where it gets exciting, Funfetti colors on my windshield!AAHH! they're gonna get me!Rinsing off is a very important step.blow dry!
Look, the Rain-X is working!
Blue Steel is now very clean and shiny.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 190: Adventure...Take 2

That man saggy has pec turtles"~ Marc
We finally got to go to White Water today! On the way to the park it stormed for like 5 minutes, but then cleared up and was gorgeous the rest of the day.
We talked Peter into going on the 9 story tower plunge thingy. "It's what Superman would do" is how we convinced/taunted him into going on it. It turns out he really liked the super slide.
I had a great day with the guys, and enjoy spending time with each one of them.:-)
Smiles for actually having good weather at the park!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 189: Disappointment

We drove all the way to White Water, stormed, boo weather.We're trying to take a sad picture, but some people weren't cooperating!
There we go....Apparently Marc missed the memo on the fake sad face, and actually looks like a sad lost little puppy.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 188: Shoes?

Please notice this hardcore biker we saw...yes there are stereo speakers behind his head...and bull horns on the front. I wish I could have gotten a picture from the side.
At Whitewater!Peter left the house without shoes.....and paid the consequences when he had to run across the HOT black asphault without shoes, and burned his tootsie toes!
I swear, every single 7-12 year old boy in the state of GA was at the park today, they were EVERYWHERE, and always cutting lines.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 187: Ready, Set.... LAUNCH!

Balloon launching day!Uncle Harold stopped by on the way home from visiting his daughter to hang out with us.See how far back we had this thing pulled? It flew over the tops of the pine trees, and on to the neighboring highway!
It took bot Sean and I to pull the tubing back while Dad and Peter held on the top of the porch.One backfired and hit Sean...oops!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 186: Cleaning Closets

I did all my work for next week so I could hang out and just be for the rest of the weekend/next week.
Today turned into a big "clean out your closets day" for the Garage Sale we are planning on having. I bought 3 large storage containers to put some of my stuff away, and threw a BUNCH out. I also found a ton of other stuff that made its way to the garage.
Dad's SUPER water balloon launcher came in today...we had to do a test run.
Sean and I made a trip to Kroger......hehehehe, you can't take us anywhere.
My camera battery is almost dead and my charger is in Milledgeville, so lets hope that it lasts 3 more days.
Keep your fingers crossed.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 185: do NOT press and hold

"...OOPS....I think I broke it..." ~PeterWe used the balance board to snowboard, it was AWESOME!
Peter's mom got her iPhone 4, and Peter got his iPhone3gs, and I got to be jealous.
I spent the majority of the day trying to steal Peter's iPhone......
Sean and Marc came over and we had a grand time hanging out.
Later I went to another performance of "The Secret Garden". It has grown leaps and bounds from last week. It also helped that I sat on the opposite side from the musician, because the music was still REALLY loud, but I could hear the words this time.
Great show guys!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 184: Please don't ninja my butt...

I love funny quotes taken out of context!
I've also noticed a trend with my tests in Research, they always start out low, and then I end up with an A.....b/c the test was keyed wrong. go figure.
I got to see my friend Amanda today at the Parent Program for Summer Camp. It was so good to see her, we have a breakfast date soon, I'm excited!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 183: I have a lot of crap in Milledgeville

After studying for EVER, I decided to vacuum my room. I got a little carried away and began noticing how much junk I've accumulated over the past 2 years. I either need a lot of storage boxes, or a large trash bag in order to move out in 5 months.
I did accomplish some stuff making a paper link countdown chain.It serves two purposes, a countdown, and decoration for my very blank wall.Ooh, Heather and I got sushi tonight for dinner, YUM!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 182: Exercise please

Class as usual, then hitting the books for my test on Thursday.
I took a glorious "not nap" that lasted 2 and a half hours....WONDERFUL!
Then Heather and I made this delicious cereal treat..... it's Peanut butter/Jelly, white chocolate and powdered sugar on honey nut chex. YUM!On a slightly related note, I need to start exercising again.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 181: ...but mommy, i dont want to go to schooooool today.....

.....i want to stay home and make cookies with you.
We went bargain shopping today and oh boy did I make out at TJMaxx and Marshalls.
I got 2 pair of AE jeans, a sweater, a coat, and a shirt for 50$. yay me!A crucial part of my day.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 180: Sam's Club

Dad and I went on a hunt for a briefcase, and found some really awesome ones, but they were super expensive.
Later we went to Sam's Club for dog food and came home with lots of delicious human food.
I love shopping when you're hungry.
I even talked my way into this.I love when Peter comes over to be with me, even after a long day of work.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 179: I'm having a great hair day

"Just do what I do, tie up his hands"
Poor Marc's little face turned beet red after making this comment in a purely innocent way...needless to say, he was wishing he could have worded that sentence a little better.
We all enjoyed the heck out of teasing them the rest of the night though.My Uncle Troy came down for work and we stole him for a day of fun! We all went to dinner, then to see the performance of The Secret Garden at New London Theatre, and then finished the night off with a ton of fun at the White House.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 178: Lazy Friday

I love lazy days, especially when you're with some awesome people.
It was also rainy, which made it double awesome.
What the hell is this? I mean really, What IS IT!?!Since Red Robin no longer has my favorite burger on their menu, Peter and I took it into our own hands, and re-created...NAY....perfected it!
el fin.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 177: Home!

I love Thursdays...They mean I get to come home.
Peter came home from Chicago tonight!Although Lightning and I don't always see eye to eye, she has her cute moments. She is patiently waiting on Sean to get home, and is saving him a spot.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 176: Productivity...the leading cause of boredom

I finished my research critique, read 2 chapters, studied, cleaned, and got lots of fun pictures from Peter today on his trip to Chicago.trying to be artsey-fartsey......ok really I just forgot to take a picture and this is all I could think of.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 175: Highlighter makes you look legit

I began working on my Research Critique today, and found that even though I don't exactly know what I'm doing....I look like I know what I'm doing because I highlighted and wrote in the margins.Peter and his mom left for Chicago today for Orientation.
Their plane got delayed twice which sucks, but at least it's fun to people watch in the airport.
I'm trying to get a lot of stuff done early so when I'm home I can just hang out with family and not worry.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 174: Driving in the Rain sucks!

I am starting to feel better today, but still am very drained.
Mom and I went to run some errands but I got very tired.
After a lot more studying and resting I headed back to Milly.

I found Snuffles today....we had a reunion.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 173: Sick

Lots of studying going on today.
I am still feeling sick, and poor Peter is SUPER sick.
Since I didn't do anything besides sit in front of my computer and memorize facts about theoretical frameworks in nursing research, I figured you guys would want to see something other than my computer screen...again...
here is my Disney figurine collection that I started when I was a lot younger.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 172: ooh yeah, i'm still in school

so, i should probably get some studying done today too.
Stupid Research Class!
on a happy note, I got to talk to Elise today!
Love her!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 171: Window Shopping

We found a deer in the front yard....The Forum is very pretty, it's like the Avenue here in Snellville, but prettier, and has more fun shops.
It was a beautiful night for a stroll.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 170: Pool Nazi

My wonderful boyfriend brought me flowers and chocolate. He knows me so well.Peter and I wanted to go for a swim today...too bad the pool nazi was there and said we couldn't go in the pool because apparently it closes at 10, and not 12.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 169: Apparently I Rock

McKenna and Jolie made me this artwork.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 168: Wound Care

I went and did research at the wound care clinic in Milledgeville. lots of fun wounds to play with.
Mom came down to Milly with me last night, so she kept me company, and today we drove back after class.Mom and I got 2 foot longs for the lovely price of $2.48.
Thank you Fish Family.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 167: New Hair!

I got my hair cut and colored today, and I absolutely love it!
Mom came with me to school today to keep me company.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 166: Six Flags...more fun

Peter and I went to 6 Flags today! He finally got to ride the Superman ride, and it was totally worth it...even though we left early because he got motion sickness.We watched fireworks on TV instead of real life. Apparently Lennox Mall does a really nice fireworks display.