Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 310: Black Friday Madness

The stores opened so much earlier this year. We went to Wal-Mart at 1030 and they had already started the sales, even though they weren't supposed to start until midnight, CRAZY!
We got our traditional DVD purchases.
Sean looked a little like Gus-Gus carrying them all stacked up.
I love that I got 11 movies, and only paid $22 dollars. LOVE IT!
We stopped by Old Navy, but they were slammed. There were so many people, that they had to go into the stores in shifts, so we passed on that one.
I also found a great deal for a Nintendo Wii at Best Buy. The deal was that they only had 15 in the store, so I said "hey, I wonder if I can buy this online for the same price" Guess what. I can, and I did! I am now a proud owner of a Nintendo Wii, I've wanted one FOREVER! (I just have to wait until December 3-9 for it to be delivered). That sure beats standing in line. There were people literally camped out in tents at Best Buy at 830 pm. That is Nuts!


Ansley said...

WOW, that's a lot of movies.