Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 308: And now we wait for July 14th

I babysat again today. These kids are great. I only had the youngest, and he's so adorable.
Peter and Sean came home today. I'm so happy to have my boys home. I love them so much.
At the last minute we decided to go see Harry Potter 7 at the Mall of 12:10 (midnight). Even though we didn't get out of there until 3am, it was totally worth it. GREAT movie. This is the first one that they actually stuck to the book fairly well. They even brought in some characters they overlooked in the past movies. I can't wait for July to get here even more now. The second half of the last Harry Potter movie comes out then, and...aaaahhhh!!! It is going to be incredible.
HP dork = me