Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 14: Got a quarter tank of gas - in my new E class Cause that's alright, cause I'm gon' ride.

10,0000 Cool Points if you know what today's Title is from.

Test day! I PASSED! YAY! B's are my favorite, especially in nursing school.
I came home from my test today, and had every intention of doing absolutely nothing, but guess what I did?
Cleaned my room, put laundry away, took 20 pages of notes, found a giant hairball under my bed, killed a bunch of trees (printed out notes), organized my calendar, and even cooked dinner.
Who knew that goofing off could be so productive?

Google makes me laugh when it tries to guess what I'm typing......

So, after being "productive" I decided to be really lame and do my makeup and take pictures of are a few of my favs.


Ansley said...

MERE!! You are GORGEOUS!! LOVE LOVE LOVE these pics of you!! : )