I woke up to a nice policeman at my front door this morning....yay for not matching pj's, no bra, glasses, and a raspy voice when I answered the door.
I have been on freaking Module 8 for the past 9 days!! I'm so sick of Pharmacology!!!!!!!
(PS, Skittle didn't want me to put this picture up b/c she looks fat...I told her to face the facts and just deal with it.)
I'm almost done getting my room back together from the big impulsive move last night at 930pm to 3am. I've rather enjoyed not having a top bunk...its kinda nice!
Sad note, I might have to be at MCCG and not Gwinnett Medical for practicum. Apparently Gwinnett Medical hasn't given out the list of preceptor names yet, and haven't committed. grrrr.
i was really looking forward to being at home!
Sad note, I might have to be at MCCG and not Gwinnett Medical for practicum. Apparently Gwinnett Medical hasn't given out the list of preceptor names yet, and haven't committed. grrrr.
i was really looking forward to being at home!
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