Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 193: Best Friends!

I got to spend the day with Elise and her family doing some very important shopping.
More on this topic to come in the future, I promise.

After a very late night, I was half asleep and remembered that I needed to brush my teeth. I went into the bathroom quite unaware of my surroundings and fumbled for my toothbrush. Instead I found the empty toilet paper roll holder....When I grabbed this incorrect object, my arm inadvertently flung my unknowing toothbrush off of the counter in which it has been previously resting, and plunged down a huge cliff..
...It completed a full flip rotation and got a 10.0 on it's landing,,,there was very little splash....
....IN THE TOILET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just wanted to brush my teeth, and the only way of doing so was now half way into the U bend of the disgusting toilet.I hope you enjoyed the story my misfortune.


Unknown said...

I am sorry about your misfortune, but I admire your dedication to dental health.